February – March 2021

The foods we eat, to the supplements we take, will supply our bodies with important immune-boosting minerals, vitamins, and nutrients. 

Keep reading for a vitamin D discount!

Vitamin C and Bio Quercetin Phytosome (item 02227, 250
vegetarian tablets) Numerous studies have shown that your lungs and entire respiratory system function better in defense of your health and well being when this product is part of your daily regimen. You will definitely breathe more easily!
Cafe Doc offers Vitamin C and Bio-Quercetin Phytosome (item 02228, 60 vegetarian tablets) and Fast C and Bio-Quercetin Phytosome (02229, 60 vegetarian tablets) 

Enhanced Zinc Lozenges (Peppermint) (item 01961, 30 vegetarian lozenges) Zinc is known to offer powerful support for immune health. These lozenges promote healthy protein synthesis necessary for the biochemical activity of over 300 essential enzymes. Enhanced Zinc Lozenges are peppermint flavored and formulated with positively charged zinc ions for immune support throughout the year. Also available in 60 lozenges per bottle, item 01561 and in capsules, item 01813.

  • Vitamin D3, 125 mcg (5000 IU) (item 01713)
  • Vitamins D 125 mcg (5000 IU) & K (2100 mcg) with Sea Iodine (1000 mcg iodine) (item 02040)
  • Vitamin D3 125 mcg (5000 IU) with Sea Iodine(1000 mcg iodine) (item 01758)


Recently, within the context of COVID-19, Vitamin D has been touted for supporting your healthy immune function. Additionally, Vitamin D helps to preserve youthful cognitive function, maintain healthy cardiovascular function, promote the absorption of calcium for healthy bones, preserve healthy muscle function, support a healthy inflammatory response, and promote healthy endothelial function. Following is an overview of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ for those of you who may be wondering about the differences between Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3

What is Vitamin D and where does it come from?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, so when supplementing with Vitamin D, it is best taken with a meal that contains some fat or oil. In contrast to water-soluble vitamins, the body has no easy way of getting rid of fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamin D comes in two forms: Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). In your diet, Vitamin D2 comes from mushrooms and fortified foods (since Vitamin D2 is cheaper to produce, it is the most common form in fortified foods). Vitamin D3 comes from animal sources and may be obtained from fortified almond and soy milk as well as fortified soy products such as tofu. Vitamin D3 is also made in your skin when exposed to sunlight. Therefore, Vitamin D deficiencies are more common in the winter and in areas with minimal sunlight. The use of sunscreen also limits Vitamin D3 synthesis.

Which form of Vitamin D is preferred and what potency do I need?

Research suggests that Vitamin D3 is more effective at improving your Vitamin D status. Life Extension supplies Vitamin D 3 at potencies of 1000 IU (25 mcg.), 5000 IU (125mcg.) and 7000 IU (175 mcg.) to satisfy your level of need. Note: Always consult with your health care provider and/or one of the Life Extension health advisors for guidance regarding risks and the proper use of this and any supplement. For further information regarding the use and safety of Vitamin D, please refer to the information below regarding what physicians and scientists have to say about its efficacy, potency, and safety.

What are the health benefits of vitamin D?

  • You need vitamin D to absorb calcium to grow and maintain strong bones (Found at: nih.gov and endocrineweb.com).
  • Research has shown that higher serum levels of vitamin D are associated with a lower cancer incidence. (Nutrients, 2019, Sep 26; 11(10)2295, Doi: 10.3390/nu11102295).
  • Cardiovascular benefits (Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Apr; 105(4):810-819. Doi: 10.3945/AJCN.116.140392).
  • Vitamin D may protect against autoimmune diseases (Neurology. 2017 Oct 10;89(15):1578-1583. Doi: 10.1212/WNL.00000000000004489).
  • Vitamin D may help prevent and manage type 2 diabetes (Nutrients. 2018 Mar 19;10(3):375. Doi: 10.3390/nu10030375.
  • Vitamin D may protect your body against viral infections, including acute respiratory infections.

To learn more about the effects in which vitamin D intake influences COVID-19, see the enclosed recommendations by more than 200 international scientists and medical doctors: vitamindforall.org

These are just three of the immune support products Cafe Doc offers to support your immune system. Visit our list on our Immune System Support page to find a complete list of support supplements, including:

Thank you for supporting Cafe Doc. We look forward to sharing our growth and resources! Use discount coupon “CAFEDOCD3” at check out to get “40% off” your VITAMIN D3 purchase(s) for a total of three items: 01713, 02040, and/or 01758. Mix them or purchase all like products. We value you and your support, and we want to offer our support to you as you care for your immune system during this time. 

  1. The discount coupon code CAFEDOCD3 is just for the three listed Vitamin D3 products. However, you may still use the regular discount code for CAFEDOC when making any other purchases. 
  2. The coupon code is case sensitive, so be sure to type CAFEDOC in all caps. Then select ‘apply discount’ for your Vitamin D purchase. 
  3. This offer expires January 31,2021. 
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