April 2021

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Cafe Doc welcome message





Use discount coupon ‘CAFEDOCS35’ at checkout 

to get ‘35% off’ product listed below. 

‘Keep Calm and Carry on’ is advice given that is often easier said than done. Some of us take substances,  including prescription medicines to become ‘calm’ but these do not allow us to ‘carry on’ so well.  Unfortunately, in these difficult times, we are often in a state of anxiety, in what seems to be a never ending cycle of ‘fight or flight’ with nowhere to flee. This cycle produces negative stress that can prevent our getting a good night’s sleep. Research shows us that sleep is vital for brain health. The effects of not  getting enough sleep are cumulative. And when we reach a state of chronic sleeplessness, our body, and  particularly our brain, is affected. 

The impact of chronic sleeplessness: Our brains consume the most energy of any of our organs. When  we do not get enough sleep, our brains are not able to perform critical functions. Researchers have pointed out that the brain cells that are responsible for clearing out old and worn-out cells via a process  called phagocytosis (to devour) appear to go overboard when we are sleep deprived (Bellesi, M. et al,  2017). When this regular clearing process occurs during sleep deprived states, the brain starts to harm 

itself by ramping up the cleaning up of our healthy and strong synapses1 instead. So in addition to the  effect we feel when we are chronically sleep deprived, we may be causing injury to our brain (Bellesi, M.  et al, 2017).  

The amino acid glycine, item #01669, may help you to achieve healthy quality sleep without causing  daytime drowsiness (Bannai & Kawai, 2012; Bannai, et al, 2012). Research has shown that glycine may  also have positive impacts on mood, cognition, and mental health (Chen, Y. et al, 2020; Peyrovian, B. et  al, 2019; Neuro Biol Psy, 2013). In addition, glycine is needed for collagen production and has been  shown to promote relaxation, healthy glucose and fructose metabolism, preserve normal muscle mass  and promote healthy body composition.  

Glycine is the simplest of all amino acids. It can be made by the body, but since it does not appear to  always meet the body’s requirements, it is considered by some to be semi-essential (Biosci, J., 2009). 

Vegans can gain glycine from soy products like tempeh, tofu and soy protein. Other sources are black  beans, kidney beans; and seeds such as pumpkin, squash, sunflower, and chia. Sources from nuts  include pistachio, peanut, and cashew.  

To support you on your wellness journey, we are offering a Coupon Discount for 35% off the Café Doc  listed price for Glycine, item #01669 for April 2021 (limit four per customer). This product offers  calming sleep support as well as whole-body benefits.

Supplement facts for Glycine
Glycine, 1000 mg, 100 vegetarian capsules, Item # 01669 
Amino acid that promotes healthy sleep, promotes relaxation, supports 
healthy glucose & fructose metabolism and supports connective tissue throughout the body. 

Note: A synapse is a ‘region’ or ‘junction’ where impulses from one nerve cell travel to another nerve  cell. This is called neurotransmission. Synaptic strength is the degree by which neurotransmission  happens, and this strength impacts the establishment of memory. Stress and chronic sleeplessness  impact neurotransmission, thus, memory is affected.


Bannai, M. & Kawai, N. (2012). New therapeutic strategy for amino acid medicine: glycine improves the  quality of sleep. Pharmacol Science, 118(2), 145-148. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22293292/ 

Bannai, M., Kawai, N., Ono, K., Nakahara, K., Murakami, N. (2012, April). The effects of glycine on  subjective daytime performance in partially sleep-restricted healthy volunteers. Frontiers in Neurology. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2012.00061/full 

Bellesi, M., de Vivo, L., Chini, M., Gilli, F., Tononi, G., Cirelli, C. (2017, May).  

Sleep loss promotes astrocytic phagocytosis and microglial activation in mouse cerebral cortex.  Journal of Neuroscience, 37(21) 5263-5273. https://www.jneurosci.org/content/37/21/5263 https://www.lifeextension.com/vitamins-supplements/item01669/glycine 

Chen, Y., Lin, C., Alane, H. (2020). Survey of NMDA receptor-related biomarkers for depression. Current  Pharmaceutical Design 26 (2) 228-235. https://doi.org/10.2174/1381612826666200122155206 

Li, W., Sun, K., Ji, Y., Wu, Z., Wang, W., Dai, Z., Wu, G. (2016, May). Glycine regulates expression and  distribution of claudin-7 and ZO-3 proteins in intestinal porcine epithelial cells. The Journal of Nutrition146(5), 964-969. 

Peyrovian, B., Rosenblat, J., Pan, Z., Iacobucci, M., Brietzke, E., McIntyre, R. (2019). The glycine site of  NMDA receptors: A target for cognitive enhancement in psychiatric disorders. Progress in Neuro Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 92, 387-404.  


Woods, S., Walsh, B., Hawkins, K., Miller, T., Saksa, J., D’Souza, D., Pearlson, G., Javitt, D., McGlashan, T.,  Krystal, J. (2013). Glycine treatment of the risk syndrome for psychosis: Report of two pilot studies.  European Neuropsychpharmacology, 23(8) 931-940.  
